Personal Training

Break through training plateaus
Master challenging movements
30 or 60 minute sessions available
Program Overview
Experience Personal Training
at CrossFit Grandview

“You pick the movement, you pick the coach, we take care of the rest”

CrossFit training opens up an ocean of new skills and movements. Some come easy, some feel like you’ll never get down. In group training classes certain movements only come up so often and you may only have a short time with your coach one on one during that class. That’s where our skill sessions come in!

These thirty or sixty minute sessions are designed to move the needle toward the mastery of those challenging movements. ( common examples are kipping pull-ups, toes to bar, snatch, clean and jerks, rope climbs, and muscle-ups). During each skill session you will take rep after rep under the close watch of your expert coach. Your coach will shoot video, dissect your movement with you and send it home with you to study. You will learn progressions, strength work and other techniques to practice between sessions to bring you closer to you goal.

If you're looking to add new skills to your CrossFit Game these skill sessions are the way to go.

Choose your coach

Brandon Couden

Brandon Couden

Owner / CrossFit Level 3 Coach
Available: Late Morning, Afternoons
Dan Cestoni

Dan Cestoni

CrossFit Level 3 Coach
Available: Mornings and Early Afternoons
Megan Lewis

Megan Lewis

CF L-1 Coach
Available: Mornings and Afternoons
CrossFit Grandview has been the best gym I've been to in the Columbus area. Outstanding coaches, an awesome, open environment and an unstoppable community.
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