
December 9, 2019

Tuesday Games Training

High Hang Clean Panda Pull + Above the Knee Power Clean + Below the Knee Hang Power Clean

  • 5×1
  • Progressive
  • New set every 2:00

For Time

5K Row

250m Moderate/250m Slow

  • Row 250m Moderate around your 2k pace and your 250m Slow at -:20. If I row my moderate at 1:45 then my slow will be 2:05. Math is crazy. Maintaining your slow pace is the important part. Chase paces not times. If you can’t maintain your slow pace then your moderate pace has to come down. 


4 Sets

8 Barbell on Back Single Leg Good Deadlifts

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts

December 9, 2019