
January 16, 2019


Teams of 2 or 3

As Many Reps As Possible In 20 Minutes

3 Calorie Assault Bike, 3 Box Jump Overs, 3 Wallballs

6 Calorie Assault Bike , 6 Box Jump Overs, 6 Wallballs

9 Calorie Assault Bike, 9 Box Jump Overs, 9 Wallballs…

  • Box Jump Overs  24/20
  • Wallballs 20/14
  • In this partner workout, teammates will alternate full rounds. Partner 1 will complete 3-3-3, then Partner 2 will complete 3-3-3. Partner 1 will then complete 6-6-6 and so on. The rep scheme will go up by 3’s until the 20 minutes run out. The weight on the Wallball should be something that athletes could complete the round of 24’s unbroken when fresh. The score today is total reps. If a you are a team of three one teammate will mirror another to keep the format 1:1 work to rest.

January 16, 2019