
January 24, 2018

Thursday Games Training

21 minutes:

Minute 1: 15 Burpees (lateral over dumbbell with no step back or step up)

Minute 2: 12 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs)(Open Workout 17.2 Standard)

Minute 3: 9 Strict Handstand push-ups


When the running clock reaches 21:00….

Three rounds for time of:

15 Burpees (lateral over dumbbell with no step back or step up)

12 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs) (Open Workout 17.2 Standard)

9 Kipping handstand push-ups (Open Workout 17.2 Standard)



For Quality

3 Rounds

25 GHD sit-ups

40’ Handstand walk

1 Legless rope climb + 1 foothold climb



January 24, 2018